Untuk pengetahuan semua, alhamdulillah,saya baru sahaja melahirkan seorang lagi anak perempuan pada 4 November 2013,pada pukul 1053 pagi. Berat 2.83kg. Loooooook at her photo below...she's so beautiful,isn't she? =)
Hello world!
Teringat semasa melahirkan anak yang pertama dulu, saya mendapat anemia setelah melahirkan Zunnurain dan terpaksa menerima blood transfusion & bed ridden at the hospital for a few days. Entah macam mana, suddenly rahim saya 'lupa' untuk contract, which caused the post partum haemorrhage (PPH) atau bahasa kasarnya ialah tumpah darah yang berlebihan. So,for this time around doctor keeps reminding me that there's possibility that it will occur again for my second child delivery =(
So,Intan Nadia ni pasrah laaa...fikir macam-macam dan selalu jugala terfikir untuk prepare dengan wasiat bagai..
"Siapalah nak jaga Zunnurain and baby kalau aku dah tak ada?"
"Would my husband still takes care of me if I end up being in comma?"
"Would my ibadah will be accepted by Allah?Am I going to end up in Jannah?"
I prayed to Allah to ease my labour pain, and I think Allah has granted my wishes. The first delivery, tak rasa sakit nak bersalin masa baby nak keluar tu sebab suddenly rahim tak contract (but galang gantinya dapat tumpah darah yang banyak,haha!),the second one pula tak sempat ambil ubat apa-apa (gas pun tak sampai 5 min rasanya) sebab dilation cepat sangat,dan nurse tak anticipate to be that quick as she said my contraction was mild..Drama kejap dalam labour room tu okayyy...
Apa-apapun I'm glad that baby keluar dengan mudah...Intan Nadia pun tak tumpah darah macam dulu...and miraculously,she can handle the pain of delivering the baby. Semoga banyak dosa-dosaku pada ummi,abah,suami,dan masyarakat sekeliling digugurkan Allah SWT sebagai kaffarah..ameen.
Buat Zunnurain dan baby Zinnirah, Ummi wants to let both of you know that Ummi loves you so much...I shall try to be the best mother for both of you,so that you can be proud of me.So do Abi.
Please know that if Ummi is no longer at your side to protect and love you, Ummi serahkan anak-anak Ummi ini pada Allah SWT. I'm sure He will take care and protect you..in fact more than I do.
Buat my dear hubby,Mohd Khairul Anwar Zahri, thank you for being there with me,either waktu susah or senang,di dalam or di luar labour room,etc.Your presence did make a difference!I hope Allah will reward your kindness with jannah,inshaAllah..
We're one happy Muslim family!=)
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